
Nov 5, 2013

7 things~

Hello sweeties <3

Oh my~ it is Tuesday again *haha* Somehow on Monday I am always too tired to think about good things from the last week...probably because it is Monday and the start of the week *hahaha* I really should get my act together and start posting my 7 things on Monday again. But as I am not a time lord (yet) today I have to post it on Tuesday *hihi*

1. Speaking of Timelords, the 50th Anniversary Special from Doctor Who will be shown in cinemas all around Germany on the 23rd of November *yay* They announced it last week so I post this as one of my 7 things ;)

2. Halloween...need I say more? *sings* This is Halloween, This is Halloween... *sings*

3. Met a good friend in Nuremberg after a pretty long time and had a great time :) Also used this occasion to wear Lolita again for a non-Lolita-Meet-Up *hihi*

4. Got into the Sailor Moon vibe again. I love this show so so so much *O* I can't wait for the remake to come out :3

5. Only had a four-day-week at work because of the national holiday here in Germany *yay*

6. Me and my lovely ladies received a Valentine <3 Sadly this week we only had 2 Valentines in total *sighs*

7. Decided on my Co-Ord for the Christmas Meet-Up in Munich :3 Will do something Snow Queen inspired~ I will post about that when I got all the stuff I need...and there may also be a Tutorial of sorts ;)

Hope you had a good start into this week <3

Have a nice day!


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